Denial of VIP hospital for VIPs


Health Minister Zahid Malik yesterday said the government has not designated any hospital to treat only the VIP coronavirus patients. In a virtual briefing he said, “We did not make any such arrangement. All will get same treatment. I urged all not to give any statement without permission from authorities.”

So, a senior government official is not an authority.
Interestingly, this statement refers to make us clear that someone or some government men had decided to prepare a hospital for VIPs to get special treatment, if anyone of them is infected with coronavirus.

A senior official of DG Health Services happily gave the details in a statement before the media few days before. Anything is possible in our country including a special hospital for the VIPs when they enjoy all the special benefits and privileges of the state.

We find the suggestion quite attractive when our hospitals are not equipped to take care of the coronavirus patients and because of the embargo imposed by foreign countries for not allowing entry of outsiders.

In this situation, it is natural for the ministers and top government officials to be deeply worried. They cannot risk their lives and they cannot avail treatment abroad if contracted by a deadly disease like coronavirus.
Our VIPs generally do not receive medical treatment in the country. For most of them expensive treatment at foreign hospitals is assured. The high cost is paid by the people.

So, it was no concern to them that our hospitals are lacked facilities of good treatment and suffered from woeful negligence. The money allowed for the hospitals could easily be stolen. The Health Minister was no problem.

In our country under the dominance of bureaucrats all the officials of the government are VIPs. So the reason for proposing a VIP hospital is understandable. The top government officials will also be benefited. This bright and brilliant idea must have come from some sycophant officials.


A senior official of DG Health happily gave the details of the hospital in a statement before the media. According to him, Sheikh Rasel Gastroliver Hospital and Institute will be upgraded to make it fit for treatment of VIPs and foreign diplomats.

Not only foreign diplomats, the Bangladeshis with foreign passports have also left the country along with their family members finding no facility for treatment in Bangladesh. So if a VIP hospital is arranged that should include also Bangladeshis with foreign passports.

It is our guess only, but the government being an easy prey to sycophants — the idea is certainly from there.

Even the true royal families anywhere do not enjoy such exclusive facilities in hospitals. For their high position they get special attention but the same facilities are available for the treatment of others in the same hospitals.

The ministers of Great Britain have to receive treatment in the public national hospital famously known as National Health Service like ordinary people of Britain. Recently the Prime Minster of Britain Boris Johnson had received treatment for coronavirus infection at the same public hospital.

The general people of Britain are full of praise for medical care they get at the public hospitals. A very old and fragile army officer was able to raise some 15 million pounds for the NHS by walking 100 feet.

The services and attention they get from the doctors and nurses of the hospitals which are well-prepared for the treatments needed. The government is doing everything for the protection and care of doctors, nurses and health officials. Special hotel accommodation has been made for their safe and restful stay away from families.
