Dengue not yet in full control, panic is still there

Ibraheem Rahman :
Cold fever; rheumatic fever, typhoid fever are regular health hazzards in Bangladesh. These fevers off and on are visible. Sometimes people may die of typhoid. For other fevers people do not bother at all. There was no concern as to who is attacked by any of the fevers or died. People were less concerned about such fevers. Even there was no news about any death in the media. Individual deaths were household affairs.
A few years back chikongunia fever was a big news in the media, a concern of the people also. Authority became alert. The fever gradually diminished. Chikongunia is no longer a news now.
Now is the time of dengue. Immediately after chikongunia dengue occupied the place and became rampart. Concerned people thought it as a regular feature, did not care about dengue.
But unlike previous years dengue fever has taken epidemic form this year. It did not take epidemic form during previous years. This year dengue has not only taken epidemic form, it created panic all over the country. The number of infection and death crossed all records creating serious repercussion among the people. Thousands of people were infected putting the authority subject to heavy criticism. Two city corporations of the capital were held responsible for massive infection in the capital by dengue. Two mayors of the two city corporations have to face serious criticism for their failure to control aedes mosquito that causes dengue. Primarily it was assumed that Dhaka city has become the target of dengue, gradually news came to media that dengue has spread all over the country. Firstly, it was presumed as a normal fever, day by day number of infection increased enormously taking heavy toll. The number of deaths by far has taken serious turn, not only capital city, people all over the country have got panic stricken. Dengue attacked even the remotest corner of the country. As a result people have been concerned and efforts were made by govt. and all concerned to control dengue. Anti-mosquito medicine were spread in every nook and corner of the country. To resist this epidemic anti mosquito campaign was conducted by all the city corporations, pourasava and all concerned.
After concerted effort by all concerned the rate of infection and deaths have been coming down since long. The rate of infection although low now but not yet stopped. Even doctors, teachers, bureaucrats, VIPs, none were spared, conscious or unconscious all were targets of dengue.
Hundreds of people were admitted in different govt and private, hospitals. BSMMU hospital, DMC Hospital, Suhrawardy Medical hospital, Mitford hospital, Dhaka Shishu Hospital, Police Hospital, Mugda Hospital, BGB Hospital, CMH as well as private hospitals, Bangladesh Medical College Hospital, Holy Family Hospital, BIRDEM Hospital, Shamarita Hospital, Central Hospital, Islamic Bank Hospital, Asgar Ali Hospital, Anwar Khan Hospital, Square, United, Appolo, Ibn Sina, National Medical etc. LABAID, Medinova were filled with dengue patients. Public and private hospitals in district and upazila level were busy with treatment of dengue patients. Over all situation was alarming. After treatment hundreds were released. But many could not escapes, they had to respond to the call of death. Although the rate of infection and death has decreased but not yet come to stand still. By all efforts the rate of death is now in control.
Although the rate of death is in control Even now people are infected by dengue fever. Number of infection also decreased but people are not free of panic. According to reports of Health Emergency Operation Centre and Control Room from Jan. 1st 2019 upto 6 Oct 2019, the number of patients admitted into different hospitals all over the country is 89,930. The number of patients released after treatment are 88,356. As per reports received by IEDCR the number of suspected death is 236 as on 6th Oct 2019. IEDCR examined 136 suspected cases of death by dengue and confirmed 81 deaths by dengue fever.
Statistics of the patients admitted in different govt and autonomous hospitals and number of patients released after treatment are as under :

Total number of patients admitted in different govt and autonomous hospitals stands at 28,569. The number of discharge after treatment 28,102.
The number of patients admitted in private clinic and hospitals are 18,997. Number of patients admitted in govt, private and autonomous hospitals in Dhaka Metropolitan city is 47,566. The number of patients discharged after treatment are 46,908. Number of patients admitted in different hospitals in 8 divisions as well as number of patients discharged after treatment.
The number of deaths confirmed by IEDCR is upto 6.10.2019 is 81. The break up is as follows ; DMC-8, Dhaka Shishu Hospital 4, BSMMU-2, Mugda Hospital (Rajarbag) 3, Kurmitola General Hospital-2, Govt and autonomous hospital-19, Private clinic and hospitals 58, Over all Dhaka city govt and private -77, Dhaka Division (other than city) 1, Khulna Dvn 2 Rangpur dvn,-1 Total-81. Pura Suspected Death for examination 236. The break up is as under : DMC-40, Mitford-2, Dhaka Shishu Hospital-15, Suhrawardi Hospital-7, BSMMU. 3 Mugda Hospital-15, Kurmitola Hospital-2.
Total number of death for examination in govt. and autonomous Hospitals : 84, Private clinic & Hospital- 104, in Dhaka city govt and autonomous Hospital 188.
All divisions- 48, Dhaka dvn (other than city) 10, Chattogram Dvn. 5, Khulna Dvn-13 Rangpur Dvn 4, Rajshahi Dvn-5, Barishal Dvn-7, Mymensingh-4. Total number of death for examination is 236.
