Dengue: Not a matter of concern at all!


NEWSPAPER report said the number of recorded dengue fever cases in May and June was more than five times that of the corresponding months of last year. This year 1,864 got infected in May and June, though the number was 347 last year. According to Directorate General of Health Services, at least 946 people were infected in July last year but only in nine days of this month 1,182 people have already been diagnosed with dengue. Already three people have died of dengue this year.
“The situation is under control. There is no reason for panic. The infection rate may be higher this year. About 2,100 patients came from outside Dhaka to get treatment for dengue in the last few months and over 1,800 of them were cured. Such stats proves that dengue has not become an epidemic,” Dhaka South City Corporation Mayor Sayeed Khokon said on Tuesday. He also sought cooperation from relevant persons to play it down, adding that the medicines used to kill the mosquitoes were less effective than promised. The outbreak is relatively higher, he stated.
Health and Family Welfare Minister Zahid Maleque also said that dengue outbreak is a little worse this year than the previous years. He advised people to take the necessary measures on their own to save themselves from the mosquito-borne disease.
How causally the DSCC Mayor and relevant minister have responded over dengue issue! Though the infecting rate is about six times higher this year than that of the previous year, the DSCC Mayor tried to hide the fact saying that it is not yet become epidemic. Echoing the same, Health Minister also asked the people to take measures on their own. What a prescription!
We are not surprised at all seeing their attitudes. In fact, it’s the common attitude of ruling elites. When the authorities concerned don’t have any responsibility to anyone and when they are also not accountable to anyone; at that time such sorts of statements may come. That means common people will have to enjoy mosquito bites and they will have to find a way to save themselves from dengue.
