Dengue hospitalisations top 10,000 in 2021

233 patients admitted in 24 hours

Number of dengue patients has been rising alarmingly in different parts of the country, including capital Dhaka. This photo was taken from Mitford Hospital in city on Monday.
Number of dengue patients has been rising alarmingly in different parts of the country, including capital Dhaka. This photo was taken from Mitford Hospital in city on Monday.
News Desk :
Hospitals in Bangladesh have admitted another 233 people suffering from dengue fever, taking the tally of hospitalisations for the mosquito-borne viral infection so far this year past 10,000, reports
As many as 42 people have died from the disease in 2021, while 8,895 patients have recovered after treatment, according to government data.
Of the 10,090 patients hospitalised for dengue, 7,432 cases came in August alone. The death toll for this month currently stands at 30.
Dhaka residents accounted for 213 of the 233 new cases tallied in the 24 hours to 8am Monday. Currently, 1,150 dengue patients are in hospital care, with 1,004 cases coming from the Dhaka metropolitan area.
Amid the recent uptick in cases, the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research or BCSIR sequenced the genome of the virus and found that the Denv-3 variant of the dengue virus is dominant in Bangladesh now. Contracting the strain after a previous infection could be fatal, researchers warn.
The dengue virus carried by Aedes aegypti mosquitos put more than 100,000 people in hospitals in 2019.
The threat of dengue declined last year, when only 1,405 people were down with the disease as per hospital records.
This year, the surging dengue fever cases are complicating the handling of the coronavirus pandemic by overstretched hospitals.
Meanwhile, BSS added that a total of 233 fresh dengue cases were reported across the country in the last 24 hours.
Of them 213 were admitted in Dhaka and 20 out of the capital, a release of the Health
Crisis Management and Control Room of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said here today.
A total of 1,150 dengue patients are undergoing treatment at different hospitals and clinics across the country.
Among them, 1,004 patients are taking treatment in Dhaka division and 146 are hospitalised outside the capital, the release added.
A total of 10,099 patients have been admitted to different hospitals across the country since January this year. Of them, 8,895 patients have returned home after recovery, DGHS said.
Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) has confirmed 42 deaths due to dengue, said the DGHS.