Dengue cases on rise in Cox’s Bazar

A Correspondent :
The number of dengue patient is increasing in Cox’s Bazar according to reports received from Sadar Hospital and also in others private hospitals in Cox’s Bazar.
15 more dengue patient has been admitted to Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital in one day span. Since first week of July 59 got affected by dengue fever and one woman died while carrying to the hospital. After that, a dengue monitoring team has been formed on 28 July.
Our correspondent informed that, currently 15 dengue patients are taking medication from Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital including 11 man and 4 women. No dead has been recorded yet from this hospital.
Cox’s Bazar Residential Medical Officer (RMO) Nobel Kumar Barua said, they have treated 29 dengue patients within last 20 days. Most of them got released after one or two days. All the doctors and nurses were trained over dengue prevention.
Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital caretaker Dr Mohammad Mohiuddin said, the number of dengue patient in Cox’s Bazar is only a few. They have identified 15 affected by dengue till Wednesday. Two from Cox’s Bazar, one from Ukhiya and another one from Teknaf. That shows that dengue is spreading slowly. Hospital authorities have taken all the necessary steps to save the patients from dengue.
Cox’s Bazar Civil Surgeon Dr Abdul Matin said, dengue effect in Cox’s Bazar is still in tolerance level. District health department is taking all the cautionary steps so that dengue doesn’t get epidemic.
According to Directorate of Health, around 15 hundred people getting affected by dengue all over the country. 17 has been died by dengue till Thursday .