Democrats warn against ‘march’ to war with Iran


USA Today , Washington :
Democratic lawmakers said they were left in the dark as President Donald Trump ordered an airstrike Thursday night that killed a powerful Iranian military leader and warned it could lead to an escalation of hostilities between the United States and a powerful adversary.
“American leaders’ highest priority is to protect American lives and interests,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a statement following news of Commander Qasem Soleimani’s death. “But we cannot put the lives of American servicemembers, diplomats and others further at risk by engaging in provocative and disproportionate actions.” As head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, part of the country’s hard-line paramilitary Revolutionary Guard Corps, Soleimani has been linked to acts of terrorism against American interests. The Defense Department said the air strike at Baghdad’s international airport was conducted because Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.” The 62-year-old military commander played a key role in expanding Iran’s influence and military reach in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. He was widely viewed as one of Iran’s most powerful men and, at home, a heroic national figure who was standing up to Trump’s “maximum pressure” Iran strategy that includes stinging economic sanctions and confrontational rhetoric and military deployments. “Rather than achieving the stated intent of deterring additional attacks by Iran, I am concerned the Trump Administration significantly increased the likelihood for direct conflict, and, with it, the risks to Americans and our national interests,” said Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee. “Killing Soleimani in this manner strengthens the hardliners in Iran and increases the likelihood that Iran’s proxies will be triggered into action.”
Robert Menendez, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told MSNBC, he wouldn’t at all “lament” the death of Soleimani but wanted answers from the administration on the overall strategy.
“What we cannot accept is a march to an unauthorized war,” Menendez said. Trump told reporters said he was trying to stop an escalation of conflict. “We took action last night to stop a war,” Trump said. “We did not take action to start a war.” Sen. Tim Kaine, who sits on both the Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, introduced a war powers resolution to force a debate and vote in Congress on whether to approve further hostilities with Iran. “For years, I’ve been deeply concerned about President Trump stumbling into a war with Iran. We’re now at a boiling point, and Congress must step in before Trump puts even more of our troops in harm’s way,” he said in a statement. Trump’s refusal to share information with congressional leaders prior to the air strike was reminiscent of how the president handled the raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in October. Trump decided not to notify congressional leaders before that military action because he was concerned the information would be divulged. “There’s no country in the world that leaks like we do,” he said at the time time. “And Washington is a leaking machine.” While condemning Soleimani as a “notorious terrorist,” Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., slammed Trump’s decision not to notify key members of Congress beforehand. “The need for advanced consultation and transparency with Congress was put in the Constitution for reason,” he said on the Senate floor. “The framers of the Constitution gave war powers to the legislature and made the executive the commander in chief for the precise reason of forcing the two branches of government to consult with one another when it came to matters of war and peace.” Most GOP lawmakers applauded the president’s action. “Iran’ s master terrorist is dead,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor. “For too long, this evil man operated without constraint, and countless innocents have suffered for it. Now his terrorist leadership has been ended.” President Donald Trump delivers his State of the Union address on Feb. 5, 2019. Behind him are Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. An aide to Pelosi said she spoke to Defense Secretary Mark Esper Thursday around 9:40 p.m. after she issued her statement critical that there had been no consultation. The aide would not disclose the details of the phone call but said afterward that it lasted 13 minutes. The aide also said there’s been no update on a request for a congressional briefing at this time. One Democratic lawmaker, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, implied that Trump, who is facing an impeachment trial in the Senate, ordered the airstrike as a “distraction.” “Real question is, will those with congressional authority step in and stop him? I know I will,” she wrote on Twitter. Omar is one of three Muslims in Congress, along with Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and André Carson of Indiana.
