Democracy now confined to JS, says Ershad

UNB, Dhaka :
Observing that the country is now burning, Jatiya Party Chairman HM Ershad on Thursday said that Bangladesh democracy is now confined to Parliament.
“Country’s democracy is now confined to Parliament…there’s no democracy outside Parliament… there’s only terrorism. It can’t continue for long,” he said.
The former military ruler came up with the observations at a token mass hunger strike organised by his party’s Dhaka South city unit in front of party’s Kakrail central office protesting the countrywide
violence, arson attacks and repression.
The hunger strike programme began at 11am. Ershad broke the strike around 4pm sipping water provided by a little girl.
Observing that the country is now burning, the Jatiya Party chief said now the time has come to say ‘no’ to the two major political parties-Awami League and BNP-to save the country from evil politics.
“The country is now burning. No one but Jatiya Party will be able to douse this flame. Now the time has come to say ‘no’ to evil politics,” he said.
Ershad said, there is no alternative to Jatiya Party to save Bangladesh and establish a true democracy in the country, urging his party men to stand by people.