Democracy must to restore women’s rights: Fakhrul

Staff Reporter :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday said that women’s rights would not return until democracy is restored in the country.
“Repression on women will not stop until democracy is restored and a pro-democratic government established,” he said this while inaugurating a march programme in front of BNP’s Nayapaltan central office.
Jatiyatabadi Mohila Dal arranged the programme marking the International Women’s Day.
Fakhrul also regretted that their Chairperson Khaleda Zia who struggled for women’s uprising, worked for their empowerment and played an important role in educating women has been kept in jail in ‘false’ cases out of the government’s political vengeance.
“The government grabbed power like Pakistani occupation forces and it is now suppressing people. Let’s take a vow on this Women’s Day that we’ll free Khaleda Zia and intensify the women’s movement for ensuring their rights
and stop violence against them,” he said.
The BNP Secretary General called upon the party’s female leaders and activists to play a united and important role in forcing the government to free Khaleda and establish a pro-people administration through a credible election.
“Women are being seriously repressed in the country as the government usurped power by snatching people’s all rights,” he said.
He also said the current government ‘usurped power’ illegally by using the state machinery and depriving people of their basic rights.
“They (govt) are carrying out oppression on the entire nation. They’re not even sparing our mothers and sisters,” he observed.