Democracy Int’l launches politics matters’ website in Rangpur


Staff Reporter, Rangpur :
The regional launch of Democracy International’s website on politics matters was held in Rangpur. Rangpur City Corporation Mayor Mostafizur Rahman Mostafa inaugurated the Six Seasons Convention Center at Shalban on Thursday morning.
Senior leaders of Bangladesh Awami League, Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Dal and Jatiya Party took part in the inaugural ceremony. This is an online training platform, where any person or political activist or leader can enhance his / her political knowledge and skills by taking the courses. This website has 9 training courses on These are the development of political leadership, effective practice of political parties, conflict management and resolution, women’s political empowerment, democracy and development, political campaigns, training for trainers and advocacy. The three main political parties are Bangladesh Awami League, Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jatiya Party. Public leaders attended the event.
Democracy International is implementing a project (March 2017 – September 2024) in Bangladesh with the support of TJAOU, a US-based organization.
