Democracy Every American, Too, Has To Fight!

Dr Mohammad Didare Alam Muhsin


The people in all the countries of the world had their eyes now on America; to put it a bit more precisely, to the vote war of the United States. Who will win the election? Will Trump stay in the White House for another four years? Or will Joe Biden take over its possession? As if this was the only issue in the world at that moment! There’s no other issue. Central America has been devastated by a catastrophic cyclone, killing more than 50 people. Such a big natural disaster happened next to the United States. These are not in anyone’s eyes. Trump or Joe Biden – who is sitting in the US masonry, had become the focus of everyone’s attention. Why? Just curiosity? Yes, curiosity is there. However, it is not just curiosity. Who is coming to power in the most powerful country of this planet called the Earth, not only the fate of the Americans, but many things around the world are deeply entangled with it.
It’s going to be a tough test for America. In countries where the foundations of democracy are weak, no one would be surprised if such counter-demands were made at the end of the election. In such countries politicians don’t feel ashamed of taking resort to any tricks to hold the power or grab it. But, it’s America! George Washington – Abraham Lincoln’s America! The America that is the claimant of excellence in knowledge-glory, science-technology, civilization-grandeur all over the world! Isn’t it this America, which constantly preaches the whole world on democracy and human rights? In that America, was it expected that a racist semi-crazy person like Trump will be elected to power by the people, and will talk nonsense and make allegations of fraud, upon apprehending that he is not going to be re-elected for the second term? Does it prove that there is a scourge of racism and barbarism behind the mask of civilization in American society?
However, many analysts are not too surprised by this. Trump came to power just by inciting racism and supremacy hidden among a large section of Americans. Doesn’t the rise to power of a man like Trump bear witness to the fact that the discriminatory forces whom Abraham Lincoln defeated and freed America from the curse of slavery are still pretty active in America? This is but one aspect of the whole scenario. We often forget to pay attention to the other side. No doubt, there are many truthful, sensitive, and well-meaning people in America. But, ethnically, do they judge mankind in rest of the world on the same level as them? As you can see, if an American were hit by even a ‘flower’ in any part of the world, the whole of America would blow up, but when American bombs kill millions in Japan, Iraq, or Afghanistan, their hearts do not tremble.
The emergence of democracy instead of monarchy in the state system as a result of the improvement of people’s education and knowledge is a great blessing for the world. On the one hand, it has ensured a peaceful transfer of power; on the other hand, it has given the common man a wonderful opportunity to hold those in power accountable through voting. In the countries of the world, like the United States and the United Kingdom, where democracy is based on solid foundations, nobody would think that dictatorship will suddenly take its place. Rather, the reality is that more or less democracy is being practiced even in the countries where they have influence due to their domination across the world. Even the countries, which don’t practice democracy in real sense, rather wherein kind of dictatorship is in effect, are being forced to stage a show of votes every four or five years.
However, if you think a little deeper, you will see that in all these countries where dictatorship is going on in the name of democracy, these global leaders are largely responsible for the foundations of democracy not being strengthened. Isn’t it because of the blessings of these global leaders that monarchy is prevailing in a large part of the Muslim world and democracy is failing to find its way? Even if these global powers practice democracy in their own countries, isn’t it their military and commercial interests that play a major role in international relations? So, as you can see, they are ready to welcome the practice of democracy in other countries only as long as they see that the people of their choice are winning the elections. The practice of free democracy can bring nationalist leaders to power in these countries, who may not be willing to act as their puppets. This is where they have their reservation.
That’s why people like Al-Sisi accused of killing thousands of people in Egypt, or Saudi Crown Prince MBS accused of being behind dismembering a living person into pieces and hiding the body, do not bother them. On the other hand, it does not afflict their conscience to support a military coup against democratically elected Turkish President Erdogan. Isn’t this double standard of these global leaders a big obstacle for the establishment of democracy in the countries of the world? When a powerful section like Trump and his followers are finding their interests in dividing the people into races and castes in their own country, the hope that these global leaders will unselfishly come forward to establish equality, democracy and justice across the world with a sense of humanity is far from over!

(Dr Mohammad Didare Alam Muhsin is a professor of Pharmacy, Jahangirnagar University).
