NGOs submit memos to Ward Councillors: Demand to prohibit sale of tobacco products within schools, colleges areas

Chattogram Bureau :
BITA, CAB and ELLMA jointly have started awareness activities in the port city to save the adolescents from the curse of tobacco .
These non-govt organisations are working to create public awareness against the abuse of tobacco through cultural activities. Expressing gratitude to the anti-tobacco programmes of these NGOs , City Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin very recently issued a public circular prohibiting selling, advertisement and publicity of tobacco in any ways within the 100 yards areas of any educational institutions.
With this continuity of the CCC circular, BITA CAB and ELLMA have started submitting memorandums to the city ward councillors from December 24 last.
With this continuity, memorandums to this effect submitted to the ward councillor of Ward No.15 and Ward No.24 on February 25 last Ward councillor of ward 15 Giasuddin and Ward 24 Nazmul Hoque received these memorandums.
Accordingly, such memorandums will be submitted to the councillors of 41 city wards after awarding the public representatives, ward based CAB committee and BITA youths. To free the country from the curse of tobacco by 2040 as declared by the government and the commitments of the city mayor, vigorous campaign against tobacco is essential.
The councillors said they will also launch such anti-tobacco campaign with the cooperation of the dwellers of Ward No. 15 and 24 if they elected again in city corporation polls. In the meantime, memorandums have been submitted to councillors of 8 No.Sulakbahar Ward, 6 No East Solasahar Ward and 3 No. Panchalaish ward,29 No Madarbari, 35 No Boxhirhat , 22 No Enayet Bazar, 7 No Solasahar, 12 No Saraipara and 14 No. Enayetbazar ward.
The coucilors of the respective wards vowed to the programs of these NGOs . The ward councillors also committed to launch anti-tobacco programs within the jurisdictions of 100 yards of the educational institutions . Mentionable that according to survey of BiTA , CAB & ELLMA , there are 885 educational institutions in the city where the numbers of tobacco selling outlets are 5,536 in these areas.  
Prisoner dies at Chattogram jail: A convicted prisoner of a murder case died at Chattogram Central jail recently.
The deceased was identified as Harunur Rashid, 58, son of Golam Hossain of Raozan upazila.
Deputy Jailer of Chattogram Central Jail, Mohamamd Jamal Hossain said Harun was sent to Chattogram Medical College and Hospital after he fell unconscious and he died there around 8:30 pm.Harun, suffering from cardiac problems, was awarded 10 years’ imprisonment in a murder case on November 6, 2019.