Demand for removal of BU VC continues

Barishal Correspondent :
Barishal University students observed token hunger strike from dawn to dusk on Friday on the 10th day of their movement starting from March 27, demanding removal of vice chancellor.
Barishal City Corporation Mayor took initiative for ending dead lock situation.
Visiting the BU campus on Friday morning it was found that students holding rally on the campus assembling in front of the

 administrative section of the university and started sit-in hunger strike from 10:00 AM Friday.
The strike was frozen at 6:00 PM on Friday evening and it will resume for indefinite period if their demands get no response, student sources added.
On the other hand Serniabad Sadik Abdullah, Barishal City Corporation Mayor, told the journalists that he would negotiate with the students and university officials to resolve the crisis prevailing for `10 days.
A tri-party meeting between the students, syndicate members and the administration has been initiated by the BCC Mayor to be held at 11:00 am on Saturday in the conference room of the Barishal Circuit House.
We hope that we will find an amicable settlement to restore normal academic activities on the BU campus soon in order to cultivating healthy education and environment friendly situation there, BCC Mayor said.
Mentionable it is that the agitation programme engineered by the BU students started from March 27 after Prof. Dr. SM Imamul Haque, Vice chancellor of BU branded the students as Razakarer Bachcha.
This remark irked the students and they started protest programme demanding removal of VC.
Instead of resolving, the VC closed the BU sine die and asking the students to vacate halls within March 28 afternoon. To this, the undaunted students are continuing their protest programme and decided to stay in the halls ignoring order of the BU administration.
Dr. S M Imamul Haque, Vice Chancellor of Barishal University, regretted for his remark on BU website and appealed to the students to return to their classes.  
But the students rejecting that statement continued their protest programmes to press home their demand for removal of the VC from his post.
