Over 2500 party men arrested: Delay of Army deployment disappointed: BNP

Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Thursday said, the Election Commission’s decision to delay Army deployment is disappointed.
“We learned from the media report that the Army would be deployed on December 15.
But today (Thursday) the EC announced that the Army deployment would be delayed for 10 days. It will simply help more attacks on BNP and its alliances to drive them away from their constituencies,” BNP Vice-Chairman Major (rtd) Hafiz Uddin Ahmed said it in a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan office. He said, it is a sorrowful decision and it has made peace loving people disappointed.
The government is plotting to stay in power by a lopsided election using police and administration.
“The police have arrested about 2500 of our party men after announcing polls schedule. They have tried go to power again keeping BNP out of race,” said BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said in the briefing.
He said, according to media reports, the IGP, has called all DIGs and SPs to Dhaka. They have prepared a list of 2.5 lakh BNP leaders and activists for arrests to clear the field ahead of the election.” The BNP leader also said that the government had realised its imminent downfall and that is why resorting to conspiracy to hang on to power. Rizvi said also, “We have proof that on December 10 a meeting was held at the Police Headquarters with minority community leaders to bring the people from minority communities to the field to garner support for the AL.”