Defence concludes factual arguments in Jabbar’s trial


BSS, Dhaka :
The defence in the trial of Engineer Abdul Jabbar, allegedly chairman of Mothbaria unit of Peace Committee in Pirojpur in 1971, on Monday concluded their arguments on charges of crimes against humanity.
Advocate Mohammad Abul Hasan, state-appointed counsel for the fugitive accused, argued on five charges that were framed against the former Jatiya Party MP.
After the conclusion of the factual arguments from the defence, the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT)-1 adjourned the hearing of the trial till December 3. The defence counsel is supposed to place his arguments on legal points on the day, followed by the prosecution with their rebuttal.
Acknowledging the atrocities taking place during the War of Liberation, the defence counsel said, “There is no doubt that such heinous crimes have taken place. But the accused had no involvement with those whatsoever.”
Advocate Hasan also raised questions on the credibility of the testimonies given by the prosecution witnesses.
Arguing on the charge number 1, the defence counsel said a meeting was held on May 16, 1971, but no order was given by Jabbar on that occasion.
