Decorating a teenager’s bedroom


Life Desk :

Getting your own room when you are a teenager is a big deal and the first step away from parents.
You now have your own space to do with as you please. It also means a lot of work. Setting up a room isn’t just about finding a place for your things. You have to organize, decorate, accessorize. Here are a few tips that will help you:
Picking a colour scheme
The colour of the walls often dictate the theme and mood of your room. Though you are advised to opt for pastel colours, an accent wall is more common today. Accent wall is when one wall is painted in a bright colour while the others are painted in a neutral shade. This not only gives a sleek look to your room but it also highlights the colour scheme. The accent wall is a good place for the headboard of your bed, to hang pictures, medals and decals or even put a couch against.
Choosing your furniture
Picking out furniture for your room is a tricky deal. It’s better to measure the space you have in your room as the last thing you want to do is buy a bed that doesn’t fit. So, think before you splurge. Plan if you need a single or a double bed. Make sure the bedding either matches or contrasts with the colour scheme of your room. Plan if you want a desk or a couch. Be sure to double check that you have enough storage space for clothes, a side rack for your guitars and a shelf for your book before you add anything else.
Organizing the mess
This is the least fun thing to do for most teenagers. It’s easier to just ask someone else to do it. But that’s not very independent, is it?! There are a lot of online videos and websites that help you with your organization. From folding clothes to organizing your make up and jewellery, the simple way to do it is to separate what you use regularly from what you don’t. Keep what you use every day in an easily accessible place and put the rest somewhere safe for when you might need them in the future.
Accessories that define you
This is the fun part. Accessorizing is when you get to add your personal touch. Whether it’s a Superman bedspread, a Rajinikanth-themed pillow, a Bob Marley or a Jim Morrison poster- when someone walks in to your room, they have to know a teenager lives there. That you live there. Nothing you do will ever be too much. Find things that go well with your colour scheme. Like black and white photos on a red accent wall. Find good contrasts.
Throw cushions that match your bedding or couch, wall decals with motivational images and words, fairy lights around your curtain rod or even a piece of art. Go with what makes you comfortable. Remember, ultimately, the only thing your room should make you feel is you.
