Decomposed dead body recovered in Mollahat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Shahadat Shaikh (65), son of one late Ratan Shaikh of village Udaypur under Mollahat Upaozila in Bagerhat district was brutally murdered by some one or more in the village at the night of Thursday out of previous enmity with him, according to a report received here.
The dead body was found in a banana garden belonging to one Khalil Shaikh of the village near the house of the deceased in the following morning. The neck of the dead body was strangulated with a napkin locally known as Gamcha and some cut wounds were noticed on the dead body. Police of Mollahat PS recovered the dead body and sent it to Bagerhat Sadar Hospital for its autopsy.
Wife Merry Begum and sister Sahera Begum of the deceased told, after taking supper the deceased went out of the house taking a torch light and a mobile phone. But he did not return home.
Then the relatives searched hither and thither, but no trace of him was found.
The matter was announced from mike of a local mosque at the night. In the early morning of Friday when a date juice extractor locally known as Gachi went to the garden to pluck a jar of juice from the top of a date tree found the dead body near the tree. On hearing the news the relatives of Shahadat Shaikh rushed to spot and identified the dead body.
Being informed of the matter police rushed to the spot, recovered the dead body and sent it to the morgue for autopsy. Senior Assistant Police Super visited the place of occurrence.