Contempt charge: Decision against Janakantha Editor on Aug 13

Court Correspondent :
The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court will pronounce its decision about the contempt of court charge against the daily Janakantha editor and executive editor on Aug 13.
A six-member Appellate Division bench headed by Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha fixed the date yesterday (Monday) after hearing their submission against the contempt of court rule. The bench was formed a day back by a four-member bench, after the defence counsel of Editor Atikullah Khan Masud and Executive Editor Swadesh Roy
pleaded for hearing their response to the rule in a different bench without the Chief Justice (CJ).
On July 29, after the apex court gave the final war crime verdict on Salauddin Quader Chowdhury’s case upholding the death sentence and then the Janakantha published an article on the verdict. Later, the Appellate Division issued a contempt rule about the article of the Janakantha.
In the article Swadesh Roy wrote, “Salauddin Quader Chowhudry is a heinous killer of 1971. He is among those traitors who bathed most in the blood of innocent Bengalis. His appeal on the verdict is on July 29. Father Mujib! Here, too, your daughter is being made to stand with her back to a crucifix”.
“If that is not true, then how did Salauddin Quader Chowdhury’s family have a meeting with those who were judging his case? How did they manage to get to the judges? Was it ISI or ULFA? Do judges ever meet the families of the victims? Is it part of their ethics?”
“Why is Sheikh Hasina’s government busy trying to stop some judges from going on foreign visits now?” read the article.
In a verbal order, the bench also asked the Attorney General (AG) to verify whether there is any substance in the claim made by Janakantha journalist about the Chief Justice being barred from going abroad by the Prime Minister’s Office.
The court on Monday also asked the state’s chief legal officer (AG) to read out the part of Roy’s article on the issue. On Sunday, the Chief Justice said the law empowers him to decide entirely on his own whether or not to go abroad. Even SC judges going abroad will have to be cleared by him.
“After taking over as the Chief Justice, I sat with a number of my predecessors, took their advice on how to carry out my responsibilities. “I had a number of meetings with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. She never commented on the judiciary. She does not interfere in judicial matters,” said the CJ. The Chief Justice also said, he was invited by a Bangladeshi students body in London.
They wanted to give him tickets for the trip which he turned down. All the communication in this regard was channeled through the Bangladesh High Commission. His Personal Secretary Anisur Rahman submitted the records to the court.
Sinha further said, “Who would have benefited if the Chief Justice withdrew himself from the Salauddin Quader case? If the CJ moved off then the case’s verdict would not have happened.”
Attorney General Mahbubey Alam, who represented the state, said, “The report was written to confuse the people. You wrote Quader Mollah’s verdict, Sayedee’s verdict, we are waiting for copies of the verdict in Mujahid and Salauddin Quader Chowdhury’s cases.
The Chief Justice also instructed the Attorney General to find out if the daily published any other report after the contempt rule which might influence the court.