Decentralised budget for implementation of SDGs stressed

UNB, Rangpur :
The attainment of the globally adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will critically hinge on the effective decentalisation of the national budget allocations, speakers told a pre-budget discussion here on Saturday.
In this regard, they said, district budgets can ensure the inclusion of the marginalised segments of the population in national development activities.
They observed that Rangpur will require special budget allocations in social protection sector to improve its situation in various socio-economic indicators. The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), RDRS Bangladesh and the Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh jointly arranged the dialogue titled ‘Recommendations on Social Protection in the National Budget’ at the Begum Rokeya Auditorium of the RDRS Bangladesh, in Rangpur.
Development of agro-industries and provision of vocational training will create employment opportunities that can ultimately improve the poverty situation and standard of lives for the people of this region, the speakers said. But this will require a committed and combined efforts from the parts of both the government and citizens, they observed. The keynote presentation at the dialogue was made by CPD’s  
Executive Director Dr Fahmida Khatun made a keynote presentation at the dialogue, said a press release.
It showed that budget allocations in areas such as social protection are lesser for Rangpur, though the division is already lagging behind in many of the socio-economic indicators compared to other divisions of the country.
Increased allocation for social safety net was emphasised as the key recommendation of the study.
The findings were corroborated by Rangpur City Corporation Mayor Sarfuddin Ahmed Jhantu, who attended the dialogue as the chief guest.
He drew attention of the government to the inadequate budget allocation for the region, and urged for increasing allocations for the people of Rangpur in both social safety net and development budgets.
Core Group Member of the Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh and eminent human rights activist Advocate Sultana Kamal expressed her hopes that the government will play a more proactive role in keeping its commitment to people on ensuring their social rights.
Deputy Commissioner (in-charge) of Rangpur Sultana Parvin attended the event as the Special Guest, while RDRS Bangladesh Executive Director Dr Selima Rahman delivered the welcome remarks.
The dialogue was chaired by Prof Mustafizur Rahman, Distinguished Fellow, CPD, who is also a Core Group Member of the Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh.
Anisatul Fatema Yousuf, Director, CPD and the Coordinator of the Citizen’s Platform was present at the dialogue. The dialogue was widely attended by academics, economists, social workers, business leaders, politicians and other professionals from the Rangpur Division.
Special allocations for the people affected by river erosions, increased stipends for students, increased employment opportunities, training facilities for the aspiring migrant labourers were some of their recommendations to improve the socio-economic life of this region.