Debunking notions about teenage love

Life Desk :
They say, love doesn’t change the world around you, it just makes the journey worthwhile. However, for teenagers, love is exhilarating emotion and the equations between couples are far more different than that shared by a matured couple. For a generation that supposedly falls in-and-out of love in a jiffy, teenage love is full of myths and generalisations that it can do without…
Guys are seldom serious
Teenage girls usually tend to think that boys can never be serious about relationships. They believe them to be generally frivolous and carefree in life. Contrary to this preconceived notion, most guys can be quite serious about relationships. In fact, they are serious and responsible enough to inform families about the developments in their lives. They are just not vocal as they feel it might make them look like fools.
Break-ups are the end of the world
Most teenagers take break-ups seriously, so much so that it gets extremely fatal and hampers their personal development. “What they fail to understand is that break-ups are an integral part of growing up and not the end of the world. There are extreme cases where teenagers have made self-destructive attempts after break-ups. It is important to make them understand the importance of life, career, their parents, etc. They must be told that love is not something that one should put everything at stake at such a young age,” says counsellor Rekha Sharma.
Find it hard to get over your first love
Who said so? Life moves on. “If people continue to lead a normal life after losing their near and dear ones to death, then letting go of your first love is not at all difficult,” says Nisha Patel, a clinical psychologist. It is true that we all get emotionally charged when in love for the first time, so it is quite difficult to forget that experience. However, while you move ahead in life, meet new people and finally fall in love for good, you will eventually forget your first love, as there are better things that await you.