Deaths by thundering be studied


Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque :
Lighting in Bangladesh continues to wreck havoc in Bangladesh villages . Even then almost nobody is think about precautionary measures against it. Mass awareness is at low ebb. As far as I remember there was heavy down pour accompanied with thunders haw. Human casualties were much less in number than the casualties happening now-a-days. The villages were brimful with coconut and palm trees protecting villagers from the danger of lightning. Thundering now in a devastating manifestation take a heavy toll of lives due largely tp climate change. Atmosphere in the space is becoming heavy and hot with global warming as most climate expert opine. According to the views expressed a news paper:
Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by a thunderstorm. It is also one of the most erratic and unpredictable characteristics of a thunderstorm. All thunderstorms produce lightning and are very dangerous.
Because of this, no one can guarantee an individual or group absolute protection from lightning. If you hear the sound of thunder, then you are in danger from lightning. Lightning kills and injures more people across the globe each year than hurricanes or tornadoes, and Bangladesh is no exception.
Deaths from lightning strikes have climbed up significantly in Bangladesh, and most of the deaths from such accidents take place during the monsoon period. The environmentalist state that the number of deaths from thunderbolts is increasing due to cutting down of excessive number of trees.
The most of the casualties happen in rural farm fields or playgrounds thanks to lack of lightning protection system. Deaths or injuries caused for lightning can be greatly reduced if the people follow lightning safety guidelines, experts said.
The experts said the actual level of casualty from lightning could be much higher because many cases go unreported. According to Disaster Forum, a Dhaka-based network on disaster preparedness and risk reduction, a total of 123 people were struck and killed by lightning in 2010, while the number was 179 in 2011; 319 in 2010; 285 in 2013; 210 in 2014; 274 in 2015 and it was 48 till April 18, 2016. Meherun Nesa Jhumur, research associate of Disaster Forum, said the information was gathered based on reports published in different newspapers. In a research paper prepared by Professor Dr. Thomas W. Smidlin of Department of Geography of Kent State University, USA, it is revealed that 40 thunders hit each square kilometre in Bangladesh between March and May every year. According to the research paper titled “Risk factors and social vulnerability”, although death of only 150 people is reported in the newspapers, but in reality the number of deaths are between 500 to 1000 every year. In his research findings, Dr Thomas says that maximum number of people die in lightning in Bangladesh.
Due to high density of population in Bangladesh, the number of deaths is also high. Lightning is a gigantic electrical spark traveling between cloud to cloud or cloud to earth and containing an average charge of 30 to 50 lakh volts and a current of 30 kilo amperes with a speed of 220 km per hour. Lightning occurs with all thunderstorms. Numerous cloud-to-ground lightning strokes in severe local storms pose a serious threat to people who are outdoors and may even injure people in homes. In Bangladesh, the thunderstorm usually occurs from March to May but sometimes the timeframe is extended to November and October.
When contacted, disaster management expert Gawher Nayeem Wahra said, “Shortage of adequate tall trees could be a reason for the rise in the number of deaths from lightning.” The government should impose ban on cutting all kinds of tall trees, he said, adding that “We need to plant more and more tall trees like palm and coconuts to reduce the number of deaths from lightning.”
Every building should install lightning protection systems to save buildings from mechanical destruction caused by lightning effects, he added. Nayeem also said the government may install lightning protection system in the rural areas to reduce the casualty.
He also mentioned that such kind of deaths may be reduced through different awareness program. When contacted, Abdur Rahman, a meteorologist of Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD), said they forecast warning through their website and bulletin.
“During the thunderstorm there is no place which is absolutely safe from a lightning threat. But the people will have to avoid water, high ground, open spaces and all metal objects during such a calamity.” “People can take shelter in a substantial building or a motor vehicle with windows closing,” he said He also said large enclosed structures (substantially constructed buildings) could be much safer than smaller or open structures.
According to the awareness materials, anyone could go safe place after calculating the distance of lightning. “If you see lightning, count the number of second until you hear thunder. To calculate the distance of thunder in kilometre divided the number of seconds by 3. If the thunder is heard 3 second after a flash, the lighting is one kilometre away, if it is heard 15 second after a flash, the lighting is five kilometre away.”
“Lighting about 10 kilometre away is a warning to take shelter. It means, if the first lightning is 10 km away, the second one could hit you.” Lightning tends to strike isolated objects in an open area. Stay away at least four meters away from an isolated tree during lightning.
What might be the timely prop for villagers victims of thundering is drawing a comprehensive action plan. The rising apprehension is that if our farmers in the open paddy field are hit by thunder being succumed to it who will contribute to agricultural production.
Very recently a large number of farmers died of thunder with many receiving bad injuries. Also victims are their children at home and cowboys .
My opinion is that government and civil societies should think to find a way out of this danger. Government should realize the gravity of the danger addressing the problem on both long term and short term basis.
There needs to be tree plantation in villages worst affected by thundering. Use of mobile phone should be reduced. Mobile phone tower should be installed in open space like paddy field and near river. Or tall poll like tower may be installed with the system of earthling. As open space is hard-hit steps must be taken to install shelter building and to dig out concrete banker.
It is a season of downpour accompanied with thunders haw. Warning should be given to the members of the families living in house built with tin or bamboo. They should ot enjoy rainfall either from window side or going outside. Build sheltering house near kucca houses in the villages.
Please save the peasants from the havoc caused by thundering.
The government and NGOs should comeforward with a systematic plan of action. Both short term and long term plan may well be premeditated. Invest huge plan on the project on protection against thunder in rural areas. Survey should be made what zones in the rural and tribal areas suffer much casualities .
Spend lavisly on the construction of tower and shelters in every village and tribal enclave. Another proposal is to create mass awareness programme with pictures to enable the villagers to understand that thundering is not a small disaster. It should not be ignored.
Be careful during rain and thunder. Take sheter atr home. Leave paddy fiield when clouds are building up. Get the habit of liisenting to radio covering weather forecast.

(Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque , Chittagong University)
