Death anniversary of Justice Jabbar Khan today


The 30th anniversary of the death of Justice Abdul Jabbar Khan, a former Speaker of the then Pakistan National Assembly, will be observed with special prayer sessions today.
Abdul Jabbar Khan, also a former President of the East Pakistan Muslim League, died on this day in 1984 in his house at Gulshan in Dhaka.
He was born on January 1, 1901 in his village home at Baherchar, Babuganj in Barisal and joined the independent legal profession after completing his education.
He later joined the judiciary and was made High Court Justice in the then East Pakistan.
After retirement, he joined politics and was elected President to the East Pakistan Muslim League in 1964.
He later became the Speaker of the Pakistan National Assembly in June 1965. He held the position till the promulgation of the martial law in March 1969.
He quit politics in 1969 and engaged himself in promoting education by setting up schools and madrasas and other social organisations.
