Death anniv of Mohan Mia today


46th death anniversary of renowned politician of the Sub-continent Yusuf Ali Chowdhury (Mohan Mia) will be observed today.
Different political & social organizations have chalked out programmes to observe the day. These includes Qurankhwani, Milad Mahfil and discussions.
Yousuf Ali Chowdhury Smrity Committee will hold a Milad Mahfil and discussion at Moez Manzil in Faridpur today after Asr prayers.
Kanaipur Jame Mosjid, Kanaipur Jame Ashrafia Madrasha & Faridpur Muslim Mission Atimkhana will hold Qurankhwani and Milad Mahfil.
All the relatives and admirers of the deceased are requested to attend the Milad Mahfil and pray for the salvation of the departed soul.
