Death anniv of journo Abdus Salam today


The 40th death anniversary of former Editor of The Bangladesh Observer Abdus Salam will be observed in the city with various programmes today.
The Ekushey Medal-awarded journalist Abdus Salam was the president of the then Pakistan Editors Council, member of East Pakistan Provincial Assembly, founder Director General (DG) of the Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB) and one of the founders of Jatiya Press Club.
The family members of the late Abdus Salam have arranged a Milad Mahfil after Magrib Prayers today at 5/2 Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka.
Relatives and well-wishers of the late journalist have been requested to attend the Milad Mahfil, according to a release of Sangbadik Abdus Salam Smrity Sangsad.
The leaders of the Sangsad and family members of Abdus Salam will place wreath at the grave of the late journalist at Banani Graveyard and hold a Milad Mahfil there at 10am today.
