Death anniv of Fazle Rashid Chy today


Today is the eleventh death anniversary of Advocate A.B.M. Fazle Rashid Chowdhury Hiru, a distinguished politician, eminent business personality, well-known social worker and lawyer.
On the occasion Qurankhwani, Doa , Milad Mahfil and feeding of the destitute will be held at his residences at Dhaka, Chittagong, Cox’s bazaar and ancestral village Gohira, Raozan.
His wife Prof Masuda M. Rashid Chowdhury of the Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka, Son Barrister Sanjeed Rashid Chowdhury and Daughter Sanjana have requested all to pray for the salvation of the departed soul of the deceased.
He was the eldest son of A. K. M. Fazlul Kabir Chowdhury, former Leader of Opposition, East Pakistan Assembly and keeping to the heritage of the family, he dedicated his life for the people through philanthropic contributions.
He held important positions including President-Bangladesh Cultural Heritage Preservation Forum, Founder Vice President-Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, Founder Executive Committee Member, Jatiyo Party in 1986, Member of FBCCI), Vice-President-National Association of Small & Cottage Industries, Bangladesh, NASCIB Cox’s Bazar and Timber Merchants Asssociation, Chattagram Samity, Raozan Samity.
