Death anniv of Dr Aleem Al Razee today


The 33rd death anniversary of Dr.Aleem Al-Razee, the celebrated Jurist, parliamentarian, educationist and philanthropist who died on March 15, 1985 will be observed today with due solemnity in the country.
A legendary figure, Razee was at the forefront of all political struggles and socio-cultural movement unleashed in the country to win democracy, human rights and freedom of expression of the people. He envisioned an egalitarian society based on rule of law, social and economic justice and became a living symbol of resistance against all forms of exploitation, oppression and repression.
He waged a relentless war on all military rules, totalitarian governments and dictatorships both during the pre and post independent Bangladesh.
Razee dedicated his entire life to promoting humanitarian and social causes. He donated a large part of his income as a practicing lawyer, his village property to the school founded in his name and his vast private collection of rate and invaluable books to the Bangladesh Bar Association Library.
