Dearth of skilled workers main challenge: BIDS survey

Staff Reporter :
A dearth of skilled workers against labour market demand is now the prime challenge to curb unemployment problems in Bangladesh, reveals a survey.
The survey report prepared by the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies(BIDS) was released Sunday at the Finance Ministry.
Finance Minister AMA Muhith was present at the programme as the chief guest.
“The report would be helpful in future to create more skilled workers in our country. The government has planned to develop skills of five lakh officers this fiscal year. In future, the number will be increased,” Muhith said.
The report said there are 76 percent shortage of skilled manpower in agro based industries.
The readymade garment sector remains the second that suffers from acute shortage of skilled manpower.
The RMG sector faces the dearth of 1,19,479 skilled officers. Apart from this, the sector runs short of 48,130 half-skilled employees.
Senior Secretary of Finance Division Hedayet Ullah Al Mamun, BIDS Director General KAS Murshid and other officials were present at the programme.
The report also identified ten other sectors that suffer from skilled manpower shortages.