Dearth of books on classic poem

Rayhanul Islam :
At least six hundred and ninety two new books on poems landed during the first 17 days of the Boi-Mela. But this year’s sale of these books is not satisfactory, said the publishers.
Book-lovers in general search for the books of poets like Kazi Nazrul Islam, Rabindranath Tagore, Jibanananda Das and Ruddro Muhammad Shahidullah. The number of readers of classic poems is very poor, they said.
The publishers said that most of the book lovers who come to the Boi Mela are young. They search for novel, story, science fiction, historic books and books on travel, but do not respond to poems. On the special days like Pahela Falgun and Valentine’s Day, the book lovers came to buy some books on romantic poems. But its number was not satisfactory, they said.
Ramshankar Debnath, Publisher of Bivash, told The New Nation that the poems of Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam have specific theme. Rabindranath Tagore wrote emphasizing the contemporary period and romanticism and Kazi Nazrul Islam wrote against the then British rule, oppression and inhumanity. But now the writers who write poem have
no theme and the writing is not rich. That is why the readers have lost their interest to buy the books on poem, Debnath said.
“I have read all the poems of Kazi Nazrul Islam, Rabindranath Tagore, Jibanananda Das, Shamsur Rahman and others noted poets’. I buy at least ten to twenty books on different subjects from every year’s Boi Mela. But last five years I did not buy books on poem from Boi Mela as poems of new writers have no quality. They do not know what should be the perfect theme of poem,”Rafiqul Islam , a lecturer of Patuakhali Govt. College said.
Meanwhile, the fourth part of a graphic novel series on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was launched on Saturday at the fair premises.
The Centre for Research and Information (CRI) published the graphic novel ‘Mujib-4’ and organised the launching ceremony on the Bangla Academy premises in the morning.
Radwan Mujib Siddiq, trustee of Center for Research and Information, a non-profit research organization, Nasrul Hmaid Bipu, state minister for power energy and mineral resources, Tarana Halim, Information state minister, Junaid Ahmed Palak, ICT state minister jointly unveiled the book.
Unveiling the book, Radwan Mujib Siddiq said, “This edition clearly projected some twisting turns of Bangabandhu’s student life with an aim to inform young readers that Bangabandhu was not born with a golden spoon”.
“In his student life, he had to face the odds typical of those other youths do. Rather, he led a very ordinary life without inheriting any great fortune and emerged as the architect of independence of Bangladesh”, he added.
Radwan, and also a publisher of this book, also recalled the heroic sacrifices of our language martyrs for whose contribution, he added, we are getting such Bangla books and comics.
Cartoonist Sayed Rashad Imam Tonmoy said, it was a difficult task to portray the life of the Bangladesh’s founding father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a graphic novel.
Later Radwan went at the bookstall set up by CRI (stall no 100/119 inside Bangla Academy) and presented a band of kids with complementary copies of the newly released edition of the graphic novel.
On the 17th day of fair, 221 new books landed in the fair yesterday. Of them, 39 Story, 25 Novel, 11 Article, 83 Poetry, 6 Thesis, 10 Rhyme, 6 Child Literature, 3 Biography, 2 Liberation War, 2 Science Fiction, 5 Travel, 1 Political and 29 Miscellaneous.
A discussion titled “AKM Ahasan, Khan Shamsur Rahman and Mujibul Haque ” was held at 4:00 pm in the main stage of Academy. Professor Emeritus Anisuzzaman presided over the function while Bangla Academy Director Professor shamsuzzaman spoke giving thank.
M Mokammel Haque, Enamul Haque and Professor Abdul Momin Chowdhury participated in the discussion.
Later, a cultural function was held in the main stage of Academy.
At 4:00 pm a discussion titled ‘A F Salauddin Ahmed, Mujaffar Ahmed Chowdhury and A K Nazmul Karim’ will be held today (Wednesday) in the main stage of Academy.