Dealing with health issues in winter

Life Desk :
Winter chills: Stiffness and laziness are common in winter. Cold, chilly mornings can tempt you to sleep in longer than usual, and that too with bad postures such as curled up in a fetal position. Sleeping in the fetal position tends to make muscles shorter, explaining the stiffness in the morning. Also, the cold weather can aggravate muscle spasms and joint stiffness.
It is thus, very important to increase your BMR (basal metabolic rate) during winters to stay away from joint and muscle problems. Go for a brisk walk and do a few yoga exercises like surya namaskar. Doing simple exercises like rotating your joints helps reduce stiffness of joints, enhances joint health and motility, and also warms up the body.
Dry air: Problems such as dryness of skin tend to dominate the health issues arising in winter. Chapped lips and flaky skin causes many people to slather on layers of heavy cold creams and moisturizers. And why not? When the moisture in the air is depleted, so is the moisture of the skin. Chapped, broken skin is an ideal breeding site for bacteria and fungi. Indoor heating and long, hot showers only add to the problem.
Regularity is essential for optimum skin health, be it moisturizing, sun protection or cleansing. Use glycerin based soap for your bath; and remember to apply body butter afterwards. Make use of mild and fragrance free moisturizers whenever necessary. Use sun protection without fail and use natural products as far as possible.
Virus attacks: Flu causing virus attack mostly during winters. This is because they tend to live longer in cold climate and dry air. Also, it appears that in winters the flu spreads faster. Once the flu catches you, there’s coughing and sneezing and wheezing for 5 days straight.
Maintain optimum personal hygiene and give special importance to your hands. Increase your body’s natural defense by getting enough sleep and eating different colored fruits and vegetables. Also, wear clean, warm clothes to avoid getting a chill.
Dimmer days: Winter depression, commonly known as SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is another common winter blue. Difficulty in concentration, sudden hunger pangs, feeling low, general tiredness and restlessness are often associated with SAD. Getting inadequate exposure to sunlight is thought to be one of the vital reasons for this condition. The fix? Eat healthy, think positive, and most of all; exercise. Pick up 15 minutes from your schedule especially for a walk in the sunlight. If you are exercising indoors, it is best to install full spectrum bulbs that help emulate natural light.
Source: Medindia