Tussle between BICDA & shipping agents: Deadlock in import- export feared in Ctg Port

Chittagong Bureau :
A tussle over the increase of charges by the Inland Container Depots Association arisen in the port city led to suspension of handling of import and export cargos immediately.
Chittagong Port sources said after arising of the charge increase issue by Bangladesh Inland Container Depots Association (BICDA) , Chittagong Port Authority constituted a committee to find out the solution earlier and committee recommended for increase of charge by 20% over the existing ground rent charges. Though the shipping agents, owners did not sign this agreement so made by the committee with certain controversies.
 BICD sources said Shipping Agents agreed the increase of charges whereas they did not sign the agreement to this affect saying BICDA are realizing excess depot charges and in this connection a letter alleging BICDA sent to CPA.
Following the arising controversies, BICDA sent a letter to Director(Traffic) of CPA saying that if the shipping agents not follow the recommendations of the committee with 20% charge increase, the services of the private ICDs will be suspended from April 1 next . Meanwhile Shpping Agents Association determined not to pay additional charges than existing . Conscious port users and the beneficiaries fear about the suspension of import and export through Chittagong Port .
BICDA President Nurul Kaiyum Khan told The New Nation that the present realizing ground rent charges is 41% less than their demands but considering the both sides, CPA committee recommended 20% additional charge . He said the recommendations of the committee was agreed by both parties . He further mentioned that in that meeting of opinions over increased charge, besides committee members representatives of CPA, Chittagong Chamber, Shipping Agents, BGMEA, BKMEA, C&F Agents Association were present and agreeing the recommendations, shipping agents signed the recommendations on that time.
Senior Vice Chairman of Shipping Agents Assocn Ahsanul Hoque told that the matter of increasing the rent charges by 20% is not clear for which this controversies created. He said BICDA earlier in 2011 fixed ground rent charge Tk.110 as ground rent charge of each TEUs container per day but the shipping agents did not agree to their decisions and hence BICDA refixed Tk.55 later on which is still continuing. Ahsanul Hoque said present rent tariff , the increase charge should be realized not over the proposed rent of 2011. Shipping agents sources said BICDA trying to realize excess rent charge with threat of suspending the ICD activities but SAA will not shift their decisions.
Secretary of BICDA Ruhul Amin Sikder to The New Nation that after 2011, the overall expenditures of cargo handlings, transportations, manpower etc increased to two to three times more but BICDA is realizing 41.8% less than the costing price . He further told that CPA is realizing Tk.480/-( 6 US dollar ) per TEU containers per day using the govt land (ground) whereas private ICD using private land on hire or purchased with high price deploying huge manpower.
He said Tk.110 rent charge per day of each container was justified and the recommendations of the CPA led committee should be implemented over proposed rate of 2011.