Dead Bangabandhu more powerful than alive : CUET VC

Vice Chancellor of Chattogram University of Engineering & Technology Prof Dr Rafiqul Alam speaking at a discussion on Martyrdom Anniversary of Bangabandhu and the National Mourning Day at the Seminar Hall of the university as Chief Guest on Wednesday.
Vice Chancellor of Chattogram University of Engineering & Technology Prof Dr Rafiqul Alam speaking at a discussion on Martyrdom Anniversary of Bangabandhu and the National Mourning Day at the Seminar Hall of the university as Chief Guest on Wednesday.
Chattogram Bureau :
Vice Chancellor of Chattogram University of Engineering & Technology Prof Dr.Rafiqul Alam said 15 August is most mournfull heartbreaking month for Bengali nation .
He said the reactionary killers of Bangabandhu wanted to destabilize the advancement of development of the country by killing Bangabandhu but Bangabandhu never be killed and dead Bangabandhu is more powerful than alive Bangabandhu.
 The CUET vice chancellor disclosed it while addressing the discussion meeting on Martyrdom anniversary of Bangabandhu and the National Mourning Day at the Seminar Hall of the university on Wednesday as Chief Guest.
 President of the National Day celebration committee and dean of Civil Engineering & Planning Prof Dr Md Saiful Islam presided over it.
Dean Prof.Ranjit Kumar Sutradhar, Dean Prof Abdur Rahman Bhuyia, Dean Prof Dr Kowshik Dev, Director of Students Welfare deptt Dr. Moshiul Hoque were present in it as special guets.
On beginning of the discussions, the speakers discussed the scenario of the brutal assassination of Bangabandhu and his family members on August 15, 1975.
The speakers als0 demanded execution of the rest of killers of Bangabandhu those are absconding in USA and Canada immediately.
The participants in the discussion offered prayer for salvation of the departed souls and eternal rest.
The chief guest in his brief address said an anti-liberation and reactionary group in the country tried to destabilize the govt of Bangabandhu since emergence of Bangaldesh and these anti-liberation gang killed the father of the nation in 1975.