DCCI for diversifying products to expand export market

Economic Reporter :
Product diversification along with ensuring quality is essential to expand export market in the world, including China, to make Bangladesh a developed country, observed speakers at the inaugural session of a training programme.
“China is a very big market and they produce diversified items and export worldwide. If we want to export to China, we must need to diversify our exportable products,” said Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) President Abul Kasem Khan while addressing the inaugural session of the training programme, said a release.
DCCI and International Trade Centre (ITC UNCTAD/WTO) jointly organised the two-day training programme on “how to export to China through e-commerce” held at DCCI in the city.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh Li Guangjun was also present at the training programme. About 25 participants took part in the training session.
Abul Kasem Khan said small and medium entrepreneurs especially who are involved in e-commerce will be benefitted by this training course.
He said the bilateral trade between China and Bangladesh has witnessed impressive 200 percent growth to US$10 billion. Over the last five years, Chinese FDI to Bangladesh has marked 100 percent growth, he informed.
Li Guangjun said Bangladeshi Small and Medium-size Enterprise (SMEs) can export to China through e-commerce.
China encourages LDC countries to export their products to the Chinese market and Bangladeshi products have huge demand in China, he added.
He said the bilateral trade between China and Bangladesh in the last year was about US$15 billion out of which Bangladesh exported products worth of US$900 million.
He said China generally imports textile, sea food, leather and leather products, plastic products from Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is presently enjoying duty free export facility under the Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA). China is keen to invest more in Bangladesh, he added.