DC, SP in Gopalganj to defend Alvin Bagchi’s paternal asset


Gopalganj Correspondent :

A popular author Alvin Dilip Bagchi, an immigrant to Canada from Bangladesh, is facing discomfortable pressure from the fear of grabbing his paternal landed asset in Bangladesh by some local anti-social people covered with evil desire, greed of grabbing land and other immoral activities.
Alvin Dilip Bagchi has enriched him with popular historical writing, novel and poet, especially he has come to notice from the politicians, intellectuals and writers both at home and abroad by writing the founder of Bangladesh Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with six volumes in number.
The author came from Koatalipara in the village of Burua of Gopalganj and settled Canada immigration from Bangladesh in 2008. A month ago, he came to Bangladesh and he was given reception by National University, Barishal University and Greater Faridpur Journalists’ Forum in collaboration with Dr.Ambedkar Foundation Bangladesh because of his outstanding literary works.
Under this situation, Dilip Bagchi has drawn the notice of Ant- Corruption Commission (ACC) Commissioner Dr. Mozammel Huq Khan in order to look into the matter to defend his paternal landed property in Bangladesh.
Taking everything into consideration, Dr. Mozammel Huq Khan asked the Deputy Commissioner Sultan and Police Super Ayesh Siddiqui in Gopalganj district to see the issue. Accordingly, DC and SP assure the case with due respect in the days to come.
A group of local journalists went to the home of the author Alvin Dilip Bagchi and tried to make contact with local people of different professions. They told the journalists that a group of local people are used to getting united with a view to benefited individually and they are doing such criminal activities in the area. If the local administration try to investigate the issue impartially, everything will come out who are responsible for such evil practices.
Due to Canada immigration from Bangladesh, those evil forces are creating the public nuisance in the locality. In addition, those bad elements are used to raping, atrocity, grabbing land and creating feud in the peaceful society.
In order to defend peace and order in the area, local administration is aware of such activities and they are considering to crack down the rowdy situation in the days to come. Now the peaceful people in the society are looking forward to the necessary effort to be done by the local administration.
