11th National Parliamentary election: DC exchanges views with journalists creating mass awareness for EVM starts in Khulna

Khulna (South) Correspondent :
With a view to creating mass awareness for casting vote through Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) in the forthcoming 11th National Parliamentary election, EVM display was started in Khulna on Saturday which will be continued till December 29, 2018.
In this regard, a view exchange meeting of Deputy Commissioner (DC) (who is also Returning Officer of Khulna) Mohammad Helal Hossain with journalists was held at the conference room of DC on Saturday.
DC told the journalists that primarily at four polling centers of 22 No. Ward of KCC will be conducted EVM display everyday from 10 am to 5 pm. The four centers are- Khulna Zilla School, Pioneer Girls’ High School, Abu Hanif Keratul Quran Madrasa and Fatema Girls’ High School. Since December 12, 2018 at 157 centers of Khulna-2 constituency, EVM display will be arranged gradually which will be continued till before the day of commencement of the election.
DC further said that problems and curiosities of different professional bodies regarding EVM would be possible to solve through the display of EVM.
In respect of giving media passes to the journalists on the day election, Returning Officer said that as per guideline of the election commission, with the assistance of Khulna PID, media passes will be given to the Real journalists.
DC Mohammad Helal Hossain presided over the view exchange meeting.
Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC)(General) Ziaur Rahman, district election officer Md. Mazharul Islam, assistant Director of election commission ASM Iqbal Hossain, President of Khulna Press Club Faruk Ahmed, general secretary Mollick Shudhangshu and journalists of different print and electronic medias were also present in the meeting, among others.
Mentionable in this connection that at 157 polling centers of Khulna-2 constituency, 294,083 voters can utilize their vote rights through EVM system in the upcoming 11th National parliamentary election as per instructions of the election commission.
Meeting of AL candidate
 Monnuzan held
Following the upcoming 11th National Parliamentary election, a view exchange meeting of MP Begum Monnuzan Sufian of Khulna-3 Constituency with BCL Khulna city unit leaders and activists was held on at city’s Daulatpur 5 No, Ward Councilor’s Auditorium on Thursday.
The meeting was arranged by Khulna city unit Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL).
The meeting was presided over BCL Khulna City Unit President Sheikh Sahjalal Hossain Sujan.
KCC Mayor Talukder Abdul Khaleq was present in the meeting as Chief guest while Khulna city unit Awami League’s general secretary which also the law maker of Khulna-2 constituency Mizanur Rahman Mizan and Begum Mannuzan Sufian, law maker of Khulna-3 constituency were present and delivered speeches.
General Secretary of BCL’s Khulna city unit Asaduzzaman Rasel moderated the function.
Discussants urged for wining Awami League candidate Begum Monnuzan Sufian by giving vote in the symbol boat.
Among others who were present in the meeting are- Freedom fighter Nur Islam Bando, Daulatpur Thana Awami League President Sheikh Sayed Ali, general secretary Sahidul Islam Bondo, 5 No. ward councilor Sheikh Mohammad Ali, Awami Leage’s city unit member Mozammel Haque Hawlader, Daulatpur Thana Jubo League convener Rana Parvez Sohel, former student leader Md. Bacchu Morol, Choyan Bala , BM Jamirul Bondo, Rakib Moral, Sromik League leader Md. Mizanur Rahman Milton, BCL leaders Mujibar Rahman Mujib, Sohel Biswas, Ranobir Baroi Sajol and Labu Moral.
