Dazzling intensifies chilling cold in Chattogram


Chattogram Bureau :

A moderate cold wave which is sweeping over Chattogram and its adjoining district may continue and spread further, local Met office bulletin said. The cold wave partially paralyzed the life in Chattogram and its adjacent areas causing huge sufferings to thousands of people.
Chattogram has witnessed intolerable cold with dense fog which was sweeping over the region since last week and may continue further disrupting the normal life, said Abdul Hannan, a meteorologist at Patenga Met Office.
Meanwhile, Chattogram as well as most part of the district experienced dazzling for three times in last 24 hours resulting serious disruption of civic life that further aggravating the worry of city dwellers due to fog and bone-chilling cold.
The Met office forecasting that further moderate rainfall in next 24-hour in Chattogram and some other parts of the division. He said the temperature is likely to decrease a little bit from Thursday and it will continue to next Monday. The lowest temperature was recorded in Chattogram at 13.5 degree Celsius at city’s Patenga met office.
Weather may remain temporary cloudy sky elsewhere over the district, the sources added. Many children and elderly people have been suffering badly from various cold-related diseases, Dr Ali Azgor Chowdhury of Chattogram Medical College Hospital told the New Nation..
Street people are seen lighting fires to keep themselves warm as the sun remains invisible in the morning today due to dense fog. Besides, district administration, different socio-cultural organisations and philanthropists in the society are extending their hands in distributing huge blankets among the cold-stricken people in different areas of the city as well as in the district.
