Daughter kills mother with help of lover

UNB, Manikganj :
A daughter killed her mother with the help of her lover as the victim declined to marry the daughter to her lover.
Joyoti Akhter killed mother Mahmuda Begum, 45, by strangulation with the help of her lover as she declined to marry her off with her lover. Her lover and three friends were
associates in the killing. Joyoti Akhter, detained in the Mahmuda Begum killing case, informed this in a confessional statement.
The accused lover Nayeem and his friend Rakib gave the statement under section 164 in the court of Manikganj Judicial Magistrate Court’s Senior Judge Shakil Ahmed.
Shamim Al Mamun, Investigation Officer of the case SI of Manikganj sadar thana police, informed that Joyoti had divorced her husband in November last.
Meanwhile, love affair developed with Nayeem of village Arakul of Keraniganj in Dhaka district through Facebook. They themselves took preparation for marriage.
However, Joyoti’s mother Mahmuda didn’t agree in the marriage. She was trying to marry off her daughter with some one other. Centering this tussle and quarrel ensued between the daughter and the mother.
Being annoyed, Joyoti chalked out plan to kill her mother with the help of lover Nayeem. On January 21 night, Nayeem, Rakib and two more friends went in the bed room of Joyoti. The friends were hired at Tk 1,50,000 and preliminarily Tk 16,000 was paid. There was a plan to kill housewife Mahmuda Begum, but somehow it was not executed.