Daud Merchant put on remand


Court Correspondent :A court of Dhaka yesterday (Wednesday) placed Abdur Rauf Daud Merchant, an alleged accomplice of India’s top terrorist and mafia don Daud Ibrahim, on a three-day remand in a case filed under section 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).Magistrate Mohammad Nuru Mia of the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Court of Dhaka passed the order rejecting his bail petition submitted on his behalf by his lawyer Mohammad Hemayet Uddin Khan Hiron. Earlier, Investigation Officer (IO) of the case DB Sub-Inspector Md Golam Rasul produced Daud to the court seeking a seven-day remand.A DB team of police nabbed Daud Merchant, a resident of Sharifa Road in Mumbai, India from the city’s Khilgaon intersection under Section 54 of the CrPC on Tuesday afternoon, two days after his release from Kashimpur jail on bail. In 2009, Bangladesh police arrested him for intruding into the country without valid documents and he was sent to the jail. Three years later in 2012, he secured bail from the court.
