‘DAP to be executed to make Dhaka a modern, livable city’


LGRD and Cooperatives Minister Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain on Sunday said the government will implement the Detailed Area Plan (DAP) to build a modern and livable Dhaka city.
“As Dhaka is expanding fast, we must implement DAP to make it a planned city,” he told the 10th meeting of ministerial committee in the conference room of Local Government Division (LGD) here, an official release said.
Water Resources Minister Anisul Islam Mahmud, senior secretary of the Water Resource Ministry Dr Zafar Ahmed Khan, LGD Secretary Abdul Malek, Housing and Public Works Secretary Md. Shahid Ullah Khandaker, Environment and Forest Secretary Dr Kamal Uddin Ahmed and Shipping Secretary Ashok Madhab Roy, among others, attended the meeting.
Mosharraf said the water table in Dhaka city is depleting fast as currently 80 percent water comes from groundwater sources while 20 percent waters are collected from surface water sources.
“Now city dwellers are heavily depending on groundwater sources to meet their daily needs. It will be a catastrophe for Dhaka city, if this practice continues,” he added.
Mosharraf said the government is planning to collect 80 percent water from surface water sources for maintaining ecological balance in the Dhaka city.
