Danish minister visits LGED activities related to adaptation of climate change impacts


Barisal Correspondent :
Danish Minister for Trade and Development Cooperation, Mr. Mogens Jensen along with a team of 14 delegates from Denmark including State Secretary for Development Policy recently visited Barisal to see the LGED activities related to adaptation of climate change impacts on rural infrastructures in Shayestabad Union under Barisal Sadar Upazila of Barisal District.
 Ambassador of Denmark to Bangladesh Ms. Hanne Fugl Eskjaer and the Chief Engineer LGED Shyama Prosad Adhikari along with high Officials of LGED, Officials from Embassy of Denmark and Danida technical support team were present during the visit.
The Minister visited the river erosion of the Arial Khan river, LGED’s activities of earth work for rising of road embankment of Churaman Kheyaghat to Zogoddal Bazar road under Climate Change Adaptation Project (CCAP) by poor women organized in a Labour Contracting Society (LCS). The works are carried out in order to cope with climate induced hazards and to establish normal communication of the communities to essential service centers. The road is 2.860 km long and connects ferryghats, markets, schools, community centers and cyclone shelters. The activities includes rising of road embankment by earth work and construction of drainage structures and slope protection works at a cost of Taka 46,95,222.00. 128 LCS women are employed to complete the activities by May 2015 and 10,582 labour days are expected to be achieved through this work.
