DAM trains female garment workers


Economic Reporter :
Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) has undertaken an initiative to provide skill development programme for the female workers of the manufacturing sector.
Already, the DAM distributed certificates to 75 female garment workers of the Young An Hat BD factory at Chittagong recently.
 The women workers got the certificates under the project titled ‘Workplace Adult Literacy and Continuing Education’. They received the literacy skilled certificates after being literate from the project in three batches.
Team Leader of DAM’s Education Program Md. Shahidul Islam highlighted various innovative practices of Non-Formal Education (NFE) under Dhaka Ahsania Mission. He appreciated the foreign buyer and factory management to come forward to implement the workplace adult literacy project in their factory. Program Director Dr. Khawja Shamsul Huda upheld the progress of the project.
The President and Chief Executive Officer of Outdoor Cap (ODC), Eduardo Senf and Executive Vice-President of Global Social Responsibility of ODC, USA Nicole Faye Tillman told, ODC want to play role in improving the quality of garment workers and the production quality through the workplace literacy program.
Vice-President of Young An Hat Bd Ltd Jay Christopher Powell delivered the welcome speech.
The woman workers appreciated the management to arrange such kind of programme for their skill development.
 Morshada Begum, a women worker said,”I would never expect to read and write at the end of life. Now I can count my salary properly. I can teach my baby. Really, I am delighted today.’ At the program, the literate workers also described the difficulties they faced when they were illiterate.
Director of Young An Hat (BD) Ltd M S Kwon, Genaral Manager Abtaf Uddin Ahmed and Factory Manager Sreedam Das, ICT Specialist in Education program of DAM Sk. Shafiqur Rahman, DAM Regional Manager Shiplab Chakma, and other guests and adult learners were present on the occasion.
Mentioned that with the financial assistance of Outdoor Cap (ODC) USA, Dhaka Ahsania Mission and Young An Hat bd LTD is jointly implementing Workplace Adult Literacy and Continuing Project in Chittagong EPZ.
