Dalai Lama calls on Suu Kyi for peaceful end to Rohingya crisis


The Dalai Lama has urged Aung San Suu Kyi to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Myanmar and expressed concerns about violence that has led around 300,000 Muslim Rohingya to flee the Buddhist-majority country.
“I appeal to you and your fellow leaders to reach out to all sections of society to try to restore friendly relations throughout the population in a spirit of peace and reconciliation,” the top Buddhist leader said in a letter to Myanmar’s de-facto leader seen by AFP. The Dalai Lama said Sunday Lord Buddha “would have definitely helped the Rohingyas” and he felt “very sad” about the violence. “Those people..you see..sort of harassing some Muslims..Then they should remember, Buddha, in such circumstances, would have definitely helped those poor Muslims,” Dalai Lama said. “So still, I feel that..So very sad..very sad,” he added.
