Dairy sector contributes improving livelihoods, nutrition: Experts

Rangpur, Correspondent :
Experts at a post-rally discussion Saturday said that country’s dairy sector is effectively contributing to economic development and improving livelihoods and nutrition of common people.They viewed this at the event arranged by divisional office of the Department of Livestock Services (DLS) at conference room of its district office to celebrate the World Milk Day- 2019.
Earlier, a colourful rally with participation of divisional and district level officials of DLS, health administration and other government departments, dairy farm owners, farmers and civil society members was brought out on the city streets.
Additional Divisional Commissioner (General) Md. Zakir Hossain attended the discussion as the chief guest with Divisional Director of the DLS Agriculturist Md. Habibur Rahman in the chair.
Commanding Officer of RAB-13 Md. Mozammel Haque, Civil Surgeon Dr Abu Md. Zakirul Islam and dairy farm-owner Mohammad Shahin addressed as special guests.
District Livestock Officer Agriculturist Dr Md. Shah Jalal Khondker delivered welcome speech narrating the present situation of milk production at the national level and Rangpur district.
He said farmers currently produce 2.98-lakh tonnes of milk annually against demand of 2.67-lakh tonnes with about 31,000 tonnes of surplus milk in Rangpur district.
A silent revolution has taken place in milk production in Rangpur district in last ten years as the total milk production stood at only 78,000 tonnes against demand of 2.12-lakh tonnes during the 2007-2008 fiscal, he said.