Daily Vitamin D pill may lower risk of heart disease

PTI, London :
Gulping down vitamin D supplements can improve exercise performance and lower the risk of heart disease, scientists have found.
Vitamin D, which is both a vitamin and a hormone, helps control levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood and is essential for the formation of bones and teeth.
Sources of Vitamin D include oily fish and eggs, but it can be difficult to get enough through diet alone. Most people generate vitamin D by exposing their skin to ultraviolet B rays in sunlight.
Previous studies suggest that vitamin D can block the action of enzyme 11-beta HSD1, which is needed to make the “stress hormone” cortisol.
High levels of cortisol may raise blood pressure by restricting arteries, narrowing blood vessels and stimulating the kidneys to retain water.
As Vitamin D may reduce circulating levels of cortisol, it could theoretically improve exercise performance and lower cardiovascular risk factors.
In the study, researchers from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh gave 13 healthy adults matched by age and weight 50 microgrammes of vitamin D per day or a placebo over a period of two weeks.
A fitness test found that the group taking vitamin D could cycle 6.5km in 20 minutes, compared to just 5km at the start of the experiment. Despite cycling 30 per cent further in the same time, the group taking vitamin D supplements also showed lower signs of physical exertion.