15 more died: Daily virus caseload tops 2,000 in BD


More 2,029 people have tested positive of the novel coronavirus and 15 more died in the last 24 hours in Bangladesh, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said it on Thursday.
“With the new cases of infections and fatalities, the death toll in the country hit 559 and the infections totaled to 40,321,” Professor Dr Nasima Sultana, Additional Director General of the DGHS, said it in a regular press briefing in Dhaka.
This is the highest number of infections detected in a day in the country so far.
Dr. Sultana said, total of 9,310 samples were tested among 9,267 specimens in the last 24 hours at 49 labs across the country.
She said that about 500 more Covid-19 patients recovered and released from different hospitals during the period totaling the number to 8,425.
Bangladesh has detected the first case of infection of the virus on March 8. It has reported the first death from the virus on March 18.
