Daily count: 32 virus deaths, 1,407 cases


Bangladesh has posted 1,407 new cases of the novel coronavirus infection in a daily count, taking the tally of infections so far to 360,555.

The death toll jumped to 5,193 after 32 fatalities were registered in the 24 hours to 8 am Monday, the government said.
The number of recoveries outpaced fresh cases in the same period as another 1,582 patients recovered from COVID-19 through treatment at home and in hospital care. It brings the total to 272,073.
A total of 11,922 samples were tested at 106 authorised labs across the country in the last 24 hours, with a positivity rate of 11.80 percent, according to data released by the health directorate.
The official figures put the recovery rate at 75.46 percent while the mortality rate stands at 1.44 percent.

Source: bdnews24.com
