Daffodil Int’l Symposium on Hospitality inaguruated


To promote Bangladeshi hospitality management and its rich and distinctive culinary arts and culture globally- a day long online symposium titled “Daffodil International Symposium on Hospitality” was inaugurated on Thursday.
Oxford Cultural Collective and Daffodil International University jointly organized this symposium. World ‘s renowned Industry-Academia experts of hospitality management and culinary art and culture from Europe, Australia and Bangladesh will deliver their presentation and will discuss in different sessions of the symposium.
Senior Adviser to Prime Minister Dr. Gowher Rizvi inaugurated the symposium as chief guest.
Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman of Daffodil International University (DIU), pointed out the outline why the university has taken the decision to prioritize hospitality and culinary arts education in the inaugural session.
At the inaugural session, Dr. Gowher Rizvi announced the official launching of Daffodil Oxford Centre of Excellence in Hospitality (DOCEH)-a cutting-edge world class hospitality educational institute that will offer internationally recognized degree programmers in culinary arts and hospitality management. and create and promote the next leader of hospitality professional and that focus on global standard skills and professionalism in hospitality sector.
Prof. Dr. M Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor of DIUpresided over the symposium.
