Dacoits loot plastic raw materials in Tongi


Gazipur Correspondent :
Armed dacoits robbed valuables including raw materials for making plastic worth about taka half crore from Bengal plastic factory at Silmoon area of Tongi in Gazipur city early Sunday.
 A security guard of the factory identified as Raju Ahmed,60 was injured by the dacoits.
Md Mohi Uddin, Executive Accountant of the factory said, at about 1.00am on Sunday, a group of dacoits numbering 30/40 entered into the factory by jumping the boundary wall of the factory. They made hostage the security guard of the factory at gun point . As Raju Ahmed tried to resist the dacoits , they (dacoits) beat them a sound beat. Later, the dacoits loaded a truck with the raw materials of making plastic and flee away. Critically injured Raju Ahmed was admitted into a local clinic in Tongi.
 A case was filed with Tongi police station in this connection.
