Dacoit beaten to death in Kachua

Bagerhat Correspondent :
One unidentified dacoit was killed in a gang beating in the village Baraikhali under Kachua Upazila in Bagerhat district while he tried to flee away with his fellow associates after committing a dacoity in a house of the village at the night of Sunday and at the same time a villager named Mohidul Hawladar (35) was seriously injured in the hands of the alleged dacoits.
The locals and the affected members of the house said, at the night (at about 2/3 pm) a gang of armed dacoits raided the house of one Somed Hawladar of the village. entered it after breaking open its door, made the inmates of the house hostage at arms point, looted cash Tk,75 thousand, 3 mobile sets and gold ornaments and tried to flee away.
But at that time on hearing the hue and cries of the inmates neighbour Mohidul Hawladar rushed to the spot and caught one of the dacoits. At that time other dacoits beat him (Mohidul) mercilessly in order to snatch away the caught dacoit.
But by this time as soon as other neighbours and the villagers appeared there the (other) dacoits managed to escape leaving their fellow friend there. Then the villagers gave him (dacoit) a gang beating. As a result, the dacoit was fatally injured. He was admitted to Kachua Upazila Health Complex where the physician declared him dead in the early morning (at about 6 am). On information, police of Kachua PS recovered the dead body and sent it to Bagerhat Sadar Hospitgal morgue for autopsy.
The injured villager was also admitted to the same Health Complex for treatment. But considering the gravity of his injuries he was referred to Khulna Medical College Hospital for better treatment.
In the following morning wife of house owner Somed Hawladar registered a case with Kachua PS.
Md. Iqbal Hossain, Officer-n-charge (Investigation) of Kachua PS told, at the night some 3/4 miscreants while were committing a robbery in the house of one Somed Hawladar of the village one of the miscreants was killed in a gang beating.
