D-8 CCI Business Forum & Expo 2022 to be held in city today


Business Desk :
Two day long the D-8 Chambers of Commerce and Industry (D-8 CCI) announced the schedule of the D-8 CCI Business Forum and Expo 2022, Dhaka, which will be held today (26-27) at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon hotel in the capital to commemorate the silver jubilee anniversary of the D-8 CCI.
The D-8 CCI made the announcement at a press conference held at the same hotel on Monday.
The D-8 CCI Business Forum & Expo 2022, Dhaka will focus on the theme of value chain integration amongst the apex bodies of business and trade from the D-8 member countries, said Sheikh Fazle Fahim, president of D-8 CCI.
“The global Covid-19 pandemic and the recent global economic developments have afflicted us with inflationary pressures, supply chain disruption, and stagflation; thus, the time is ripe to explore Value Chain Integration across the D-8 nations for trade, investment and economic sustainability.”
He also said, “On the 25th anniversary of the D-8, I express the hope that D-8 CCI Business Forum & Expo 2022 will create new possibilities to build trade relations and create new business opportunities amongst the D-8 member nations.”
“Through this collaborative platform, we hope to open up pathways that enable the honourable D-8 member nations to grow their respective economies in a collaborative manner.”
