C’wealth Secy Gen apprises PM about CHOGM

UNB, Dhaka :
Visiting Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma on Saturday met Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and apprised her about the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to be held in Malta in November next.
After the meeting held the Prime Minister’s official residence Ganobhaban, Prime Minister’s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim briefed reporters.
Head of the Commonwealth Queen Elizabeth-II attending the gathering for the last time will inaugurate the Summit of the 53- Nation
 Organisation the motto of which is ‘global value’. Appreciating the role of the Bangladesh Prime Minister in dealing with climate change, the Commonwealth Secretary General said there will be a special session on the issue at the Summit.
On national disaster management, Kamalesh Sharma stressed the need for introducing an insurance system, and said multinational companies could be involved in this process.
The Commonwealth Secretary General also lauded the Prime Minister’s leadership in the past CHOGM and sought the same kind of inputs in the upcoming CHOGM summit.
Sharma said, there will be a women forum for the first time in CHOGM history, and mentioned the redicalization of young people and migration issues.
At the meeting, the Prime Minister shared the efforts of her government to strengthen democracy and democratic institutions in Bangladesh, and outlined some of the challenges caused by politically motivated violence. Sheikh Hasina mentioned the killing of innocent people and burning people to death hurling petrol bombs by a section of political parties in recent past.