CVASU officers observe work abstention programme

Chittagong Bureau :
Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University Officers’ Association observed work shut down programs on Tuesday to press home their 5 -point demands.
 The program of work stoppage observed as a central decision of the Bangladesh Inter-Varsity Officers Samity Federation . As a part of their programess, the officers of the CVASU assembled at the premises of university Shaheed Minar and held rally in support of their demands. The demand includes service age increase upto 65 years and creation of additional Registrar post .
President of the association Md. Abul Kalam said in the meantime, govt has increased the age limit of teachers of public educational institutions upto 65 years but the age limit of the public University officials not increased from the existing 60 years . The leaders in the rally said discriminations among the officials and teachers of the public universities is regrettable and unjustified. Among others, Registrar of CVASU Mirza Faruk Imam, Librarian Md. Habibur Rahman,Dy.Registrar Engr.Jainul Abedin, Deputy controntiller of exam Md.Abul Kashem, Deputy Director Khalilur Rahman, Dr.Kazi Roksan Sultana, veterinary surgeon Dr.Mannan, Sr.Scientic Officer Md.Inkiaz Uddin, General Secretary Md.Riad Admin Officer Md. Jashimuddin spoke on the occasion.